Friday, April 21, 2017

Vaccination Day

Solomon is doing well.  They lowered his ventilator settings again today and he is needing less oxygen.  He did have a low heart rate once today, most likely because he was in a deep sleep state and was breathing shallow.  He got his 2 month vaccines today (3 shots).  The doctors are planning to give him a little bit more time to grow and then extubate on Wednesday of next week.  I think he might have other plans though as he seems bound and determined to pull the tube out himself.  He ended the day with a nice bath and is resting comfortably.  1910 g


  1. solomon, I enjoyed the vist and ((( love)) (((hugs))

  2. Hope Solomon didn't have any side effects from his vaccinations. It is so heart warming to see each new picture and see how well he is doing. Prayers.
