Friday, March 10, 2017

Got Milk?

Thursday, March 9, 2017

On top of everything, having to extract milk nine times a day is getting exhausting.  Solomon may not need that much now (hence the surplus supply taking over my freezer) but I have to simulate a newborn's feeding schedule.  I'm looking forward to the night I'm woken up by a crying baby instead of an alarm and a pump.  Also, ending every day giving myself a shot in the stomach is getting old.

Solomon is doing okay.  His lungs haven't significantly improved from the tylenol but he is at least not getting worse.  Here's hoping we see some progress in his PDA closing soon.  The IV site in his scalp was getting red so they removed it and gave him a new IV in his arm.  I haven't been able to hold him the last two days so I'm hoping the IVs are gone tomorrow so we can get some skin-to-skin care.  He was down 20 grams today.    


  1. Monday, Solomon will be 4 weeks old! 1 month old.... one day at a time... We will make it up to him when he is older and not in the hospital anymore... until then we are with you every single day! ((( )))

    1. Thank you Ulrike! I'm making sure to include his weight every day for your girls :)
