Wednesday, March 22, 2017


The doctors said Solomon's PDA was deemed "small/moderate" by the cardiologist, rather than "moderate/large" as it was on the 8th (although these interpretations are a bit subjective).  The overall consensus  was that surgery is not necessary at this point.  The plan is to just give him some more time and to keep monitoring.  I got to hold him for about an hour today.  Since he was extubated, he doesn't do as well when I've got him out of the isolet.  He did well enough for the hour but then his breathing was getting shallow and his heart rate would drop.  I'm looking forward to the day when he doesn't have to wear that CPAP mask.  He was wide awake when the doctor was looking him over and the first part of skin-to-skin time.  His eyes are so blue :)

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