Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Masked Man

Saturday, February 18, 2017
Solomon's breathing tube was removed successfully today.  With the tube in, he had been breathing air with no added oxygen.  Without the breathing tube, he is needing more oxygen (a normal response to removing the tube) so he is wearing a mask.  It was kind of heartbreaking to see him in this apparatus, his little face looked so smooshed and it is strapped on around his head and under his chin.  The nurse said it may look worse than the tube but the tube is actually more painful so I'm glad it's gone.  I'm not sure how long he'll be in the mask but I am looking forward to the day I'll be able to see his face unencumbered.  His weight went down a little bit today.  However, he is feeding well and they've increased his intake to 4.5 mL every 3 hours.  He was sleeping the whole time I was there today and I got to sit with him and hold his hand.

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